310 Via Vera Cruz Suite 104,
San Marcos CA 92078
Phone: 800-982-9989
Intl Direct: +1 760-761-1108
Email: sales@fjaproducts.com
Website: https://www.fjaproducts.com
Date: _______________________________
PO#: _______________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Fax: _______________________________
Email: _______________________________
Order Information
Bill To:
Ship To:
 Qty.  Part Number  Description  Price  Amount
  Visa__ MC__ AMX__ Disc__FJA Account__  Merchandise Total:  
 Card #

 Verification Code: ___________________
  Over $50.00
 Expiration Date: |__|__|__|__|  Sales Tax (CA Only):
 Printed Name and
 Order Total:
Terms & Conditions
Our Off Line Business Hours are 8:00 AM (EST) - 8:00 PM (EST) Monday - Friday.
Payment is by MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover or Open Account (Net 30) - COD orders are subject to additional charges. Open Account Status is granted only upon submission & approval of our completed Credit Application Form.
Orders are typically shipped within 24 hours via UPS, Airborne Express or USPS Priority Confirmed (once shipped customers will receive a tracking number). Some orders may be shipped from different locations and arrive at different times. In these cases FJAproducts.com will do its best to provide tracking numbers and/or expected delivery time. Notification will be provided in the event of back ordered items. Sales Tax is applicable to all Orders shipped in California.
Return Policy
All claims related to damaged merchandise or shipping shortages must be made within 5 days of invoice date. All requests for returns require a prior return authorization number and must be made within 30 days. Defective products must be returned within 90 days of invoice date. To receive credit all non-defective merchandise must be returned in re-sellable condition. Inner packaging, if any, must remain unopened. Manufacturers packaging must be unopened and free of any markings, labels, etc. All returns must be shipped freight prepaid, with our pre-paid mailing label on the outer carton.
Processed orders cannot be canceled. The customer is responsible for all freight charges plus a 20% restocking fee on returns or refused deliveries.