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Maximize Your Sales Potential

As one of the leading suppliers of imaging supplies, provides your customers with a complete line of imaging supplies and totally secure online purchasing, fast shipping, and reliable customer service.

Just think, every person who visits your website has a printer, fax ore even a copier, which makes this referral program especially beneficial. Join the fastest growing affiliate program in the Office Supply Industry, unlike most affiliate prograsm you earn commission on all sales for as long as the customer orders from us.

Decide which Links Suit You Best

As an Affiliate, you'll link your site to ours through a simple text link to or by one of our Banner Ads (provided on sign up).

Treat Your Web Site Like a Store

The way you display what is for sale, the more products people are likely to buy. Here are a few tips for adding the 'retail touch' to your site:

  • Make it easy for visitors to see that they can buy inkjet cartridges, laser toner, fax supplies or printer ribbons from your site.
  • Place the hyperlinks or banners in key areas -- on every page if possible.
  • Use familiar words like "Now Here", "For Sale", or "Buy It"
  • Make use of our online graphics, logos and banners to help promote and boost sales through your Affiliate link

Your Opinion Counts welcomes your comments or observations about the service featured on our site. Visitors to your site will value your opinion.

The Faster the Better

Customers prefer Web pages that download fast. Too many graphics on your site can slow down the loading process and frustrate potential customers. Visit your own site using a 14.4 or 28.8 kbps modem. Consider how fast your pages download. If they load slowly, reduce or compress the graphics on your site.

Great Value! fulfills customer orders quickly and efficiently. We ship worldwide, make sure your customers know that this is the place for the best value in imaging cartridges.

Every Transaction is Private and Secure

At security is of the utmost importance. Your customers' personal and credit card information is encrypted and processed through Internet Secure's server using Secure Socket Layers (SSL) - one of today's most advanced security systems. You are able to check the amount of orders and dollar value originating from your web site through our web site.

Get Started Now?

Simply fill out our online application form. You will be asked to tell us whom we should contact and where we should send your earnings, so please have this information ready.