Regular Price: $9.95 ea.
Our Price: $7.95 ea.
Availability: This item ships within 1 - 2 business days. Next Day shipment method is Not Guaranteed.
Type: Compatible
Product ID: NR78BR
Description: Nu-Kote NR-78BR Ink Roller, 1 Red / 1 Black - Replaces Sharp EA-781R and EA-781RBK - Canon CP-17R, Canon CP-20 and Canon CP-20R.
This item is used in all of the following calculators:
Aurora PR670 Calculator, Aurora PR670M Calculator, Canon MP12DH Calculator, Canon MP121DE Calculator, Canon MP121DTS Calculator, Canon MP21DH Calculator, Canon P100DH Calculator, Canon P100DHII Calculator, Canon P22DH Calculator, Canon P32DH Calculator, Canon P32DHII Calculator, Canon P33DH Calculator, Canon P42D Calculator, Canon P42DR Calculator, Canon P52DR Calculator, Sharp EL 1192 BL Calculator, Sharp EL 1192G Calculator, Sharp EL 1801C Calculator, Sharp EL 2192C Calculator, Sharp EL 2192G Calculator, Sharp EL 2192G II Calculator, Sharp EL 2192P Calculator, Sharp EL 2192R Calculator, Sharp EL 2192RII Calculator, Sharp EL 2195L Calculator, Texas Instruments 5045 SVC Calculator
When you purchase the Nu-Kote NR-78BR Ink Rollers, 1 Red/1 Black imaging supplies from FJAProducts.com, we guarantee you the best quality you can get. We can assure you, you will receive your Nu-Kote NR-78BR Ink Rollers, 1 Red/1 Black at your location right on time, with no hidden costs. If you are not fully satisfied with the Nu-Kote NR-78BR Ink Rollers, 1 Red/1 Black you have purchased from FJAProducts.com, we will refund your money or replace the Nu-Kote NR-78BR Ink Rollers, 1 Red/1 Black with another Nu-Kote NR-78BR Ink Rollers, 1 Red/1 Black as per our Return Policy.
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